The School Structure

You know, I wanted to go out riding today. Why I'm here? The internal cabling in my bike snapped yesterday which is really annoying. Really, really annoying. Second time as well. Looks like another trip to St. Hillaire for me. Anyway, tomorrow it's the holidays! I must admit, it's been so quick, like insanely fast. So, today in this blog post I decided to talk a little about the school structure, how the days work and whether I think it's better or not. Monday BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP! First- Why is my alarming going off? It's Sunday right? Next- Realisation Finally- Depression. It's Monday. Monday is alright actually, except for an hour and a half of SVT (biology) in the afternoon. The day itself finishes at 4:50 which sound a bit long but we have two hours of lunch and two other breaks. We also have two hours of sport as well so that's not bad. No French as well. 😄 It's probably my second to last least favourite day in the school week. You...