The School Structure
You know, I wanted to go out riding today. Why I'm here? The internal cabling in my bike snapped yesterday which is really annoying. Really, really annoying. Second time as well. Looks like another trip to St. Hillaire for me.
Anyway, tomorrow it's the holidays! I must admit, it's been so quick, like insanely fast. So, today in this blog post I decided to talk a little about the school structure, how the days work and whether I think it's better or not.
First- Why is my alarming going off? It's Sunday right?
Next- Realisation
Finally- Depression. It's Monday.
Monday is alright actually, except for an hour and a half of SVT (biology) in the afternoon. The day itself finishes at 4:50 which sound a bit long but we have two hours of lunch and two other breaks. We also have two hours of sport as well so that's not bad. No French as well. 😄 It's probably my second to last least favourite day in the school week. You can try but Monday will never be the best day of the week. Never.
Tuesday is one of the best days of the school week. The best full day anyway. We eat at 11:30 (as opposed to 12:25) and we leave at 4:25. The morning isn't the best- maths and French but it's quite a relaxed day. English and PE are good and generally it's a great day. I would say my second favourite day.
I'm so jealous of my little brother. HE DOESN'T HAVE SCHOOL ON WEDNESDAY! Me; I have a half day. So, although I have long days on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, I basically have almost all of Wednesday to do things. It does seem to be my busiest day of the week though. Wake up, go to school, come back, go out cycling with the club, come back, have dinner, do homework, relax. Without a shadow of a doubt, best day of the week.
Thursday. It isn't great, I'm not going to lie. Lunch is at 12:30 and we come out at 4:50. The worst part is the afternoon. There is a one and a half hour lesson of science which bores me to tears. Then, if that's not enough, there's ANOTHER one and a half hour lesson of AP. AP is when we'll do some exercises and a sort of 'studying period'. Finally, that's done and... NO! Catholicism. This is the place where I learn God does not like me. No, he hates me. The worst day of the week.
After a long, hard-fought week, it's Friday. It's not bad, we eat at 12:05, come out at 4:25. There's nothing that special about the lesson; maths, English, technology, history, French and Latin (which I don't do, I just do AP instead). However, every so often I do have to do what they call 'menage' which is where three of us have to clean up the class. Just because it's a Friday in itself, it's probably exactly in the middle. The third best day of the week and that's it done. Another six years to go.
Do I like the way the system is structured? I do like the fact that we have a half day but some of the days can be quite long and tiring. What I like the best though is that because the school days are longer, we actually get bigger holidays. Like the holiday tomorrow lasts for two weeks and I believe (correct me if I'm wrong) the one in England lasts for only one week. So, I would say I do prefer it but you just adjust to these things. There will be positives and negatives in both situations but this was just a little insight into how the school system in France is structured, as opposed to that of the one you might be familiar to in England or whichever country you're seeing this from for that matter.
Thanks for reading, I hope to write at some point in the holidays, definitely before next Friday.
Anyway, tomorrow it's the holidays! I must admit, it's been so quick, like insanely fast. So, today in this blog post I decided to talk a little about the school structure, how the days work and whether I think it's better or not.

First- Why is my alarming going off? It's Sunday right?
Next- Realisation
Finally- Depression. It's Monday.
Monday is alright actually, except for an hour and a half of SVT (biology) in the afternoon. The day itself finishes at 4:50 which sound a bit long but we have two hours of lunch and two other breaks. We also have two hours of sport as well so that's not bad. No French as well. 😄 It's probably my second to last least favourite day in the school week. You can try but Monday will never be the best day of the week. Never.
Tuesday is one of the best days of the school week. The best full day anyway. We eat at 11:30 (as opposed to 12:25) and we leave at 4:25. The morning isn't the best- maths and French but it's quite a relaxed day. English and PE are good and generally it's a great day. I would say my second favourite day.
I'm so jealous of my little brother. HE DOESN'T HAVE SCHOOL ON WEDNESDAY! Me; I have a half day. So, although I have long days on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, I basically have almost all of Wednesday to do things. It does seem to be my busiest day of the week though. Wake up, go to school, come back, go out cycling with the club, come back, have dinner, do homework, relax. Without a shadow of a doubt, best day of the week.
Thursday. It isn't great, I'm not going to lie. Lunch is at 12:30 and we come out at 4:50. The worst part is the afternoon. There is a one and a half hour lesson of science which bores me to tears. Then, if that's not enough, there's ANOTHER one and a half hour lesson of AP. AP is when we'll do some exercises and a sort of 'studying period'. Finally, that's done and... NO! Catholicism. This is the place where I learn God does not like me. No, he hates me. The worst day of the week.
After a long, hard-fought week, it's Friday. It's not bad, we eat at 12:05, come out at 4:25. There's nothing that special about the lesson; maths, English, technology, history, French and Latin (which I don't do, I just do AP instead). However, every so often I do have to do what they call 'menage' which is where three of us have to clean up the class. Just because it's a Friday in itself, it's probably exactly in the middle. The third best day of the week and that's it done. Another six years to go.
Do I like the way the system is structured? I do like the fact that we have a half day but some of the days can be quite long and tiring. What I like the best though is that because the school days are longer, we actually get bigger holidays. Like the holiday tomorrow lasts for two weeks and I believe (correct me if I'm wrong) the one in England lasts for only one week. So, I would say I do prefer it but you just adjust to these things. There will be positives and negatives in both situations but this was just a little insight into how the school system in France is structured, as opposed to that of the one you might be familiar to in England or whichever country you're seeing this from for that matter.
Thanks for reading, I hope to write at some point in the holidays, definitely before next Friday.
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